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Colosseum Builders—A Visual Tour of Battleship USS New Jersey



(The Design of the Iowa Class Battleships Volume 1)

By John M. Miano

Visual Tour Cover
A Visual Tour of Battleship USS New Jersey will be of interest to any visitor to an Iowa-class battleship and those who read about naval subjects. As the title suggests, the book takes the reader on a full color exploration of USS New Jersey. This tour covers, not only those areas open to the public but also, those areas of the ship that are in accessible to visitor. The book is broken down by deck. Each deck has a plan showing how the ship was in its final service configuration, before museum changes. The deck plans are keyed to photographs showing areas of interest on the ship. The  captions explain what is in the photographs give more detail than a tour guide could cover. An actual tour of this depth would take several days.

"My original plan was to create one book on the structure of the Iowa-class battleships with the first chapter being an introductory tour. When Chapter 1 reached over 300 pages, it became volume 1. It is now going to take me at least a half dozen books of this size to cover all the material I have collected"

A Visual Tour of Battleship USS New Jersey documents with photographs areas of the ship that have never appeared in print before

A Visual Tour of Battleship USS New Jersey is available from the Lulu bookstore and museum gift shops. If you buy from a museum, all proceeds go to supporting your favorite battleship! The books sold on Lulu and at museums are printed on heavier paper than those sold through other on-line bookstores.

John Miano's research into the known remaining builders' plans for the Iowa-class battleships has allowed him to produce the most thoroughly researched volume on this subject ever to be published. His ability to extrapolate plans that did not survive the last 80+ years makes this volume a must have for any battleship aficionado. I keep this book on my desk on board USS New Jersey and reference it frequently, but you don't need your own Iowa-class battleship to appreciate his extensive scholarship. 
-Ryan Szimanski, Executive Director of the Historic Naval Ships Association and the Curator for Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial

Using hundreds of researched graphics and photographs, based on blueprints and physical examinations, this book delves deeply into the details of the Iowa-class battleships' armor systems. Following John Miano's unique book on the battleship New Jersey, the author has now expanded the analysis of the protective armor story placed on the four Iowa's. The design, development, and construction techniques of the armor are discussed along with many associated detailed illustrations. This book will be a welcomed addition to the armor "rivet counters" collection.
-David Way, Historian for the Battleship Iowa

This book is a must have for any Iowa-Class Battleship enthusiast, researcher, or museum employee. The author has gone to great lengths doing the leg work on the armor of the ships and turned countless technical documents into something the lay person can understand. Pictures and diagrams help to put the text into perspective that a novice or seasoned ship enthusiast can enjoy and learn from.
-Keith Nitka, Battleship Operations Manager, Nauticus & the Battleship Wisconsin museum, and Battleship Wisconsin veteran 1990 - 1991

There is a plan for every deck on the ship. These plans were created from original blueprints and measurements taken on the ship. The white-on-black numbers indicate locations where photographs were taken.

Deck Plan

Coverage includes public areas of the ship, such as the beautifully restored Turret Number 2.
Turret 2

This book goes underneath the turret where visitors cannot reach.

Under Turret 2

And through the tight machinery spaces of the turret.
Electric Deck

Visitors cannot climb on top of the sixteen-inch guns but the book shows what the view is like.
Top of Sixteen Inch GUn

Construction photos illustrate features that are not clearly visible now.
Turret 2 Under Construction

A 2D plan does not clearly depict the multiple, staggered levels of the machinery spaces, so 3D renderings are used in these areas.
Machinery Spaces

Engine room number 2 has also been beautifully restored and opened to the public
Engine Room

Unfortunately, getting to the shaft allies would be to difficult for visitors but the book covers these area as well.
Shaft Ally